The science of opinion ...

Some may find this interesting (it is).

Some may find this threatening (it isn't, it is science).

Some may read it and use it to help them understand the dynamics of internet forums.
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If this was true, then you would be able to easily address anything I say with some level of detail and confidence, not call me the charlatan. Again, the silence is deafening.

You also assume you and a few prolific posters here are the sole holders of audio knowledge and how dare anyone question it. There is a whole world out there teo_audio beyond these four walls.

The question is, why would anyone, anyone at all feel the need to have a sword of justice in this consumer audio market. That is just such a weird weird thing to say.

teo_audio1,203 posts11-05-2019 1:57pmto the op,

these subjects and subject areas have been covered a hundred times over.

what you are, is just the next one to come along and try to raise them like a sword of justice built out of your own limited understandings of the entire envelope of what is involved... in the area under discussion.

You don't know the subject, and your data and your knowledge is severely lopsided.

Well, that only took a week. Wrapping the same holier than thou dogma in velvet doesn’t change what it is. Your change of tactics is obvious and pretty sand lot.
Perhaps you should delete your membership again, change your user name again, and give it a third shot. What have you got to lose?
Certainly not respect.

What’s outside Pleasantville?

(Trying to stay calm and keep from revealing he was from the future) I’m from a town where the roads don’t end at the edge of town. It’s not like Pleasantville. There are some places that the road doesn't go in a circle. There are some places where the road keeps going.

Keeps going?

Yeah, it all just keeps going.