Preamp recommendation

Are there any modern multichannel (5-7ch) preamps on the market currently? Something along the lines of parasound P7 and Mcintosh C45 (both discontinued)  Need this for home theater and 2 channel playback. Any recommendations? 


Home Theater Integration, $0. Okay, all you "home theater bypass" guys. All of our preamps offer true home theater bypass. Just plug in your processor's front channels to any input, select Passive mode, and turn the volume all the way up. Presto! 1:1 home theater bypass, with only a relay in the signal path.

Thanks everyone for your input. 

Looking at Parasound A51 and A52+
I am correct to assume these would sound similar ? 
What are pros and cons of each? Is the price difference justified?  
Wow, did your budget go up? lol.

The sound between the A51 and A52+ is going to be very similar (if not the same).  The main difference is power / power supply.  Your Focal Dome speakers are not going to be too terribly hard to drive, so the difference between 180 watts per channel and 250 watts per channel is not going to make any significant amount of difference (in my opinion). 

The higher power of the A51 would be beneficial if you really large woofers and low impedance speakers.  The A51 might be just a little bit more smooth and full, but it is a significant amount more.
I find that budget always goes up no matter where you start, at least this is true for me. I think I'm leaning to Parasound P7 pre, and Krell KAV500 vs. A52+. 

Before making a final decision, I'm also looking at Anthem MRX520. Do you think the sound from Parasound/Krell would be better than Anthem via Focal dome speakers? Anthem reportedly has good room correction (ARC). Not sure how much of an effect that will have on sound. 

BY THE WAY: My older Krell KAV500 failed on me a year after I got it, needed to be recapped and again, one year later making strange popping noise through speakers while its on. I love the sound of Krell via Vienna acoustics speakers. 
The Anthem MRX receivers are very good and have very high resolution speed and attack.  The downside is that in some systems, the Anthem could sound too bright/harsh on the high frequencies.  This could definitely be the case with your Focal. If you went this direction (and possibly with the Monlith amp), I would recommend some nice copper solid-core speaker cable, such as Audioquest Rocket 33 or Type 8 or Type 4.  Also, use gold-plated terminations instead of silver.

The Parasound would definitely be more forgiving on the high frequencies.  You will likely have to spend a lot more to get a high resolution amp that is not bright, and you also should still avoid stranded speaker wire with anything silver or silver-plated.