But I’ve kicked around the idea of playing with a reclocker at some point, just to answer for myself if I can hear a difference.
To my ears, there was a significant shift in capabilities of DAC's from before 2010 to after. I don't know what it was, but here's what I have heard:
Prior to 2010, HiRez was significantly better than Red Book playback.
After 2010, a number of DAC's made this difference almost, if not completely, imperceptible. Whiel HiRez playback has been consistent, Red Book has really improved.
I wish I knew why, but I suspect better, cheaper oscillator chips hitting the market, or perhaps better receivers?
Anyway, point is, I have tried reclockers. You have to be aware they are not bit-perfect. But, they do work with:
- Poor sources like cheap streamers (Google, Apple)
- Old DACs
With new DAC's I can't hear a difference at all.