What does one purchase after owning horns?

I have owned Avantgarde Uno's and sold them because of the lack of bass to horn integration. I loved the dynamics, the midrange and highs. Now faced with a new speaker purchase, I demo speakers and they sound lifeless and contrived. The drama and beauty of live music and even the sound of percussion insturments like a piano are not at all convincing. I have an $8k budget for speakers give or take a thousand. My room is 13'X26' firing down the length. Any good ideas will be appreciated. My music prefrences are jazz/jazz vocalist.
And Unsound I'm sure a thiel 3.5 is so much better than a classic audio reproduction field coil horn system. My pair of 3.5 sure wasn't. And Who on earth listens to horns in there home at 120db? That comment just shows your unjustified bias against horns you have no experience with them just lots of bias and venom. You and Weseixas are just trolls with no experience with any of what you post on a true definition of troll. One who enters threads just to annoys others never offers anything of use doesn't have any knowledge about subject of thread. Thats both of you and you know it.
JohnK, perhaps you should read the posts preceding mine to see where that 120 dB was referenced from. Furthermore, perhaps you should read the title of this thread before lashing out. While your at it, perhaps we can implore you yet again to come clean and admit the fact that you make and sell horns. Who has the most bias here? Once again, the zealots make it personal.
Larry ... I did not say i have owned panels . I did have a demo set of Maggy 20.1's in my system for a week . I do have friends with M.L. CLX's and another with M.L. Quests , a member of are audio club has 2 sets of Quad's , that I have become well aquatinted with . There probably all great speakers but none have really pushed my buttons .
OK, time for a 'respect intervention'.
Johnk, we really don't call posters on Audiogon, names.
We don't hurl insults.
All of us have differing opinions, likes, dislikes--that's the nature of the human existence.
Keep it civil or find others to talk to in this manner.
On to the core issue.

Listening to ANYTHING at 120db is a recipe for serious hearing loss.
The issue is the hearing mechanism. After exposure to loud volumes for as little as 15 minutes, our ears, in an effort to adjust, start to 'shut down', this being different from hearing LOSS. But the result is, to 'perceive' the same volume, we must turn up the SPL to have that same sensation. This louder adjustment, is the issue that causes us to 'keep turning it up' to the point of hearing damage.
NASA contracted a study years ago, as the Astronauts couldn't hear Mission Control 'even though the volume was high'...in fact, THAT WAS the problem...the headsets were set so loud, the Astronauts' ears were 'shutting down' making communication virtually impossible.
An SPL meter, or an app for a MAC computer (IPOD/IPAD) works, will allow you to monitor the volumes you're listening at.
As I mentioned in another post, not all of us prefer horns, that doesn't disqualify them--and 'horn lovers', dynamic speakers are not 'seriously flawed'...this has to do with what we individually 'look for' in music reproduction.
90db is a relatively loud level, AND won't harm.
Moreover, let's stay CIVIL on this site.

Good listening,