Tidal Music

Hi Audiogoners,
Is there any advantage to subscribe to Tidal Hifi if we don't have the MQA decoder in our DAC?

I have Tidal and Qobuz.  I listen to Qobuz more, turning to Tidal when I can't find something on Qobuz or if I want to listen to one of Tidal's "My Mix" playlists (they are usually good).  I have one DAC with MQA and listen mostly with a DAC with no MQA.  It sounds as good, if not better on the DAC with no MQA, mostly because it's a better DAC and a more resolving system. 

You can hear differences between MQA and no MQA.  Are they better?  Worse?  It's subjective.  Will you hear a track that isn't MQA and say to yourself "that sounds awful!".  I doubt it.  Will you jump out of your seat because the MQA version is so much better?  I doubt it.  More depends on how it was recorded, mastered, your system, etc. than whether it is MQA or not.
I have Tidal and my computer/server running Roon handles opening the MQA files up to 24/96.  Those files are then streamed to my Ayre DAC which is not MQA.  They sound very good.
@atdavid "Given the 500K titles lost in the MQA fire, your mileage may vary." 

I think you mean the Universal Music Group (UMG) fire of 2008... long before MQA could have had any involvement  

Thank you all.
i will continue subscribe to Tidal Hifi. I was thinking of downgraded to Premium hence the question.
its good to have community to support the new learner to digital like me.