Weseixas, I am not knocking Thiel. The man was someone I met and shared ideas with, and I represented his products for years. In fact, it was he who gave me the idea to "deaden" the Lascala enclosures. This was a long time ago, and the audio community, as well as his family, misses him. However, I am discussing certain limitations of the 3.5s, in comparison to my Lascalas, as well as some other horns I have listened to. When we talk about scale and dynamics, using full range orchestral music, at my preferred listening level of 100db, the 3.5s are not very good, to my ears, whatever amp drove them. I am not alone. People were always trading up from the 3.5's (in fact,there is a fellow in my neighborhood, who after hearing my system, now has his 3.5s listed on Craig's list, he is looking for $500. or so ). Actually, the midrange and treble of the 3.5s always sounded better in these respects sans the eq, but none the less the eq was necessary. I do not care for Unsound, because he uses words like "obnoxious" to describe horns, which his very delicate ears cannot tolerate. And my presumptions about him are correct. And yes, I was giving it back, so to speak, as I had done to you as well. I wish things were more civil, but it appears that the two of you always take it one step further, although you play 2nd to him. So good for you. Any other questions or comments I will respond. Take care.