Weseixas, when I use the term 'efficient' or 'efficiency' with regards to speakers its usually with the 1 watt/1 meter spec in mind. If you say 'sensitive' or 'sensitivity' to me in the same context I assume you are talking 2.83V/1 meter.
Not into caffeine, but I think you will find that a good majority of dome tweeters are indeed rated at 2 watts, with some of greater power handling, although the latter is less common than the former. I'm not used to seeing horn tweeters that handle less than 2 watts, and I have seen them handling as much as 15 watts; with immensely higher efficiencies (10X) that horns have over domes, this can be a significant advantage.
Not into caffeine, but I think you will find that a good majority of dome tweeters are indeed rated at 2 watts, with some of greater power handling, although the latter is less common than the former. I'm not used to seeing horn tweeters that handle less than 2 watts, and I have seen them handling as much as 15 watts; with immensely higher efficiencies (10X) that horns have over domes, this can be a significant advantage.