Honest opinions on my two picks of loudspeakers

So I wanted to see what most of you thought or what your pick would be between the Revel Salon 2 towers and the McIntosh XR100's I'm torn between both with looks and performances with my choice leaning more toward Mac since I'd be powering them with the 452 and the whole matching thing, but I will also be pushing these quite hard at times (rock-metal) and I want a well built power capable speaker for the long haul..I was considering Wilson's as well and have not cut them out just wanted some respectable opinions on my two narrowed down choices we all are familiar with pricing and these two options have a considerable difference between the two so I'm torn which is the better bang for my bucks!! 

Thanks all..
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I have the Revel Performa F228BE which are a little easier to push than Revel Studio or Ultima at 90 dB sensitivity vs 87 which is a pretty significant difference and they sound outstanding. I like to listen loud also, I have an SPL meter and can push at 103-105 decibels without breaking up at all with a Mark Levinson 532H amp that easily pushes out 350 wpc per Stereophile bench tests before clipping.
If you want even more spl at lower watts the Paradigm Persona are around 92-93 sensitivity and sound excellent, they have received excellent reviews as well. 
Mc speakers No thank you, their equipment - Electronics is better then average 
dependable and the meters look great. I sold McIntosh for a number of years
it is true Doctors and Lawyers are some of their biggest clients.
their spearrs,and digital -No thank you not their specialty.
way too many very good Loudspeakers out their .

I Would have picked the Revel’s over any JBL, Klipsch, or mc speaker. My friend is a JBL dealer and he had the $45k pair in his own house, not impressed for $45k. Revel’s are 1/2 the cost.I’ve heard the Revel’s in multiple show rooms with good electronics and when turned up loud, it sounds like you are at a concert. I’m not sure how loud you will be able to crank up the klipsch before distortion creeps in. 
Speakers are the most individual sensitive component. The best we can do is offer a variety of choices you may enjoy, but in the end it is your ears and wallet that will rule the day.

There is a reason that horns and planar / electrostatic speakers have a fan base. There is no “Best” speaker, there are only the speakers that resonate with your music preferences.

Listen, choose and be happy with your selection. Don’t let an outside opinion color your selection process, but due diligence will get you to your happy olace.