What does one purchase after owning horns?

I have owned Avantgarde Uno's and sold them because of the lack of bass to horn integration. I loved the dynamics, the midrange and highs. Now faced with a new speaker purchase, I demo speakers and they sound lifeless and contrived. The drama and beauty of live music and even the sound of percussion insturments like a piano are not at all convincing. I have an $8k budget for speakers give or take a thousand. My room is 13'X26' firing down the length. Any good ideas will be appreciated. My music prefrences are jazz/jazz vocalist.
There are not many things we can be sure of , except rain comes from the clouds , sun lights up the sky and horn zealots know how to cry .
Weseixas, I try to be nice, and you, must once again, prove you are an A hole. I will say your bug species is more enduring than I had anticipated. Shoo shoo.......
Thanks for making my case Decibel , your accusations have no recourse for they are lacking in substance.

There are many speakers available which are very dynamic without getting into horns, again you guys are here promoting phoobie dust science and ignorance by volume, a regular MO with you guys and when you dont get your way then it becomes personal.

Not everyone enjoys the discombobulated integration and coloration that multiple horns suffer from , if you like that , so be it , now try to understand that others dont and prefer to discuss just that.

* Macrojack has admitted to not hearing above 10 K
* you have admitted to selling horns,as a sales boy
* Duke sells a 2 way waveguide he markets as a horn
* Dan_ed is all about horns and promoting horns.
* JohnK sells horns .

There is ALWAYS A VESTED INTEREST WITH you guys and every conversation is crowded with more and more phoobie dust science and of course the most vile rethoric.

Myself i have 2 audio system and many speakers, dynamic, open baffle dynamic, ribbons, ribbon hybrids, ESL, ESl hybrids no horns , they dont work for me and i haven't told anyone here to get rid of their horns as you have about anything else that is not a horn, nor is your back handed approach necessary, rubbing up to the late JIM THIEL then putting down unsounds decision to buy one, look in the mirror your sanded mangina approach is nothing but weak.

There are ESL's that will blow the socks off any horn speaker in a domestice environment, as so ribbon, ribbons hybrids and multiple driver dynamic speakers, they have done so for decades and guess what , will continue to do so regardless of how many times you use your bully pulpit, i would also implore anyone interested to get out and listen not everyone requires 120+db to enjoy their music, but if you do i'm sure there is something for you..


Weseixas, You still do not understand the words of Renmeister in his original post, amazing. Except for you and Unsound, my words have plenty of substance, here on this thread anyway. My comments about Unsound's 3.5s are without question true statements, when talking about dynamic range and scale. How dare you accuse me of rubbing up to the late Jim Thiel. He was a fine gentleman and engineer, and if not for him, my cabinets might have taken longer to modify. I do like other products of his, although I still prefer horns. "Blow the socks off" statements once again shows your ignorance of the fact that people like what they like, but this is not good enough for you. So who has proven who's case ! I wish my system (and home) would allow for 120db, but I will stick with my 100db levels. And, not many of your "stated" speakers play cleanly at that level, so you can keep them. As a die hard Jazz lover, not many speakers can play back Miles or Coltrane any where close to my Lascalas. Remember, here, on this thread, you and Unsound are the outcasts. That's all, for now ........
I can discuss technical issues but am not very good at emotional exchanges, so I will bow out.
