What does one purchase after owning horns?

I have owned Avantgarde Uno's and sold them because of the lack of bass to horn integration. I loved the dynamics, the midrange and highs. Now faced with a new speaker purchase, I demo speakers and they sound lifeless and contrived. The drama and beauty of live music and even the sound of percussion insturments like a piano are not at all convincing. I have an $8k budget for speakers give or take a thousand. My room is 13'X26' firing down the length. Any good ideas will be appreciated. My music prefrences are jazz/jazz vocalist.
T_bone, while I agree with you, I find this entire pro/anti horn thing too reminiscent of subject v. objective discussions-probably best left to late in the night bar discussions. I have never understood why those not wanting to have horns feel they need to tell others that. I certainly don't care why they feel that way.

As I have said, I very much miss their quickness and think no other driver even gets close. But I also think compression drivers on horns are a must for this. Nevertheless, after owning seven different horn systems, I haven't had them in several years. Some horn systems have so much space between the horns, such as the Avantgarde Trios, that you hear one instrument in different locations depending on which note is being played. Also to get really deep bass you need monster horns.

I have basically chosen a three was ceramic driver, 187 pound each system with an excellent tweeter and good bass down to probably 40 Hz. Does a snare drum sound real? Of course, not. Am I happy? Yes.

I would just suggest that you ignore Weseixas.
T bone You and I (and everyone else other than Unsound)see eye to eye (ear to ear)about Weseixas. They have their description of us(zealots)and we have ours of them(trolls). He speaks nonsense. He has actually made statements about engineers who make the recordings, indicating they are deaf and lack taste. So he is knocking everyone. Wow. I am looking forward to more garbage from these guys. Duke, if you can learn to ignore these 2, we would still love to hear from you and what you have to say. Remember, on this particular thread, Weseixas and Unsound are by themselves, they are the out casts, even though they do not see it. It shows psychological problems these to have about being grown ups, and men, for that matter(as I am referred to as boy). This is a joke. My psychiatrist friend has read some of this thread(he is not interested in audio), and rather than laugh about these 2, he has found rather disturbing behavior patterns. So I am loving this all. Sorry to see Duke bow out. There is power in numbers. Again, it has been my pleasure to part of this.
Some own "many speakers", listing among them six differing types... Others instead, own just "one" pair that they are happy with!! My JBL 4550's will be in my living room when I move. :)
P.S. T bone I had a great time during the '96 Stereophile show, showing off, for 3 wonderful days, the Eurythmie speakers, along with other Jadis gear. I think they are great !

T-Bone the irony,

Anyway thanks for quoting me, gives your response some content .
