What does one purchase after owning horns?

I have owned Avantgarde Uno's and sold them because of the lack of bass to horn integration. I loved the dynamics, the midrange and highs. Now faced with a new speaker purchase, I demo speakers and they sound lifeless and contrived. The drama and beauty of live music and even the sound of percussion insturments like a piano are not at all convincing. I have an $8k budget for speakers give or take a thousand. My room is 13'X26' firing down the length. Any good ideas will be appreciated. My music prefrences are jazz/jazz vocalist.
Danley appears to have some unique design approaches. VEry interesting. Thanks for pointing those out.
Yorkville Sound's Unity speakers are a Danley design. Look into the them. All the reports I've read about them are raves.
There's a fellow on AC named JDUBS who bought a pair and has gone to extremes modifying and enhancing them. My guess is that his speakers are magnificent. He sounds like he knows his stuff in spades.

Pro stuff isn't pretty but if you can overcome that concern, many of their speaker products will represent a bargain that our high end speaker guys don't begin to approach. Have a look.
The Yorkville (and Unity) is an old Danley design, the Synergy horn surpassed it every way. I know quite a few hifi enthusiasts using Danley for music and for movies as well at home, but I think none of them modified any of them. Could mean something. One of the most room friendly, room independent speaker I have ever used at home is the SM60F, because of its very tight and very smooth, uniform 60x60 dispersion, if one has a difficult room, worth to try it.
But please remember that Klipsch is a mass marketer. The parts within their products are not sourced for the ultimately best sound, ie. as a cost no object product. Volti Audio seeks to make each product the best possible, and they are not trying to scratch every penny out of the deal. Just take a look at the detail of the original Vittoras. Does Klipsch put any thought into how to improve a 2'x'2'x3' box. Most certainly not, but Volti Audio does and that is a major reason I bought their product. And then there is the wonderful sound. The same applies here, which makes me so very glad that I bought Volti.
I guess the Horning Hybred Algame I use don't qualify for this discussion. But I would like to make the effort to hear an AG horn system somewhere just to compare.