Depending on Budget. The Excellent Lampizator vacuum tube dac
which received a 5 star rating in Enjoy the music .com
is their latest entry level dac that is $2750: and by far the most natural sounding dac under $5k. If your budget can go higher their next step is around $6-7 k. The key is very good USB cable
they distribute a small little known brand a Final a Touch Audio
Callisto usb cables by far the best cable I have heard and nothing under $1500 can beat it for its natural presentation especially after
150 hr runin , it was so good I bought the cable ,their interconnects are just as good . Check out the Lampizator Amber3
dac .they even have a money back guarantee, and the USB cable
at around $800 a must if you want to hear proper digital thst sounds like good analog.
which received a 5 star rating in Enjoy the music .com
is their latest entry level dac that is $2750: and by far the most natural sounding dac under $5k. If your budget can go higher their next step is around $6-7 k. The key is very good USB cable
they distribute a small little known brand a Final a Touch Audio
Callisto usb cables by far the best cable I have heard and nothing under $1500 can beat it for its natural presentation especially after
150 hr runin , it was so good I bought the cable ,their interconnects are just as good . Check out the Lampizator Amber3
dac .they even have a money back guarantee, and the USB cable
at around $800 a must if you want to hear proper digital thst sounds like good analog.