VPI's new "Vanquish" Ultra High-End turntable is a STUNNER!

@jsautter, what was your experience meeting Matt?

I don't have a TT at this point in my life (nowhere to put a giant system in current house). I do miss my vinyl, but after reading this piece, t's almost a relief to not be in the game... 

I know manufacturers do this 6-figure launch thing partly out of a sense of market compulsion, needing to keep up with other big-ticket launches; also the battle to stay visible & relevant (ie, an arms race). Still, it's kind of ridiculous to see stuff like this, particularly when so  few younger people want to/can afford to enter the hobby. 

Can a 7-figure launch be far away? 

I have a sentimental attachment to VPI, because my 1st serious table was one of theirs (in mid-'80s). But this does seem excessive.

At least w/an Aston Martin, I could go to the grocery store & run errands... 
Luckily @br3098, the Aries 1 motor collar is removable. And just about any 9 or 10" arm can be used in place of the JMW 10
You are missing my point.  That deck is long gone.

lewm - not

VPI is the result of one man's desire to become more involved in his hobby without enough knowledge to make wise engineering decisions, coming up with an array of glitzy sub standard turntables and tonearms. It is what happens when you have more money than you know what to do with I guess. Perhaps the new gymballed tone arm is a sign that this will change under his son's direction? This turntable is a sign that it will not. Putting the Techdas AF 1 through 5 in the same room with this stuff is an insult. It's only fault is that is is not enough better than an SME 30/12 to justify the added expense. But if money were no problem I would certainly go for one just because it is a beautifully made engineering tour de force. 
Mind you Techdas uses the same principle with the tone arm boards as VPI.(ie cantilevered) and nobody seems to be on a crusade to denigrate their design choice.