Network Switches

I have compared streaming to my ripped cd files.
maybe my system is not resolving enough but I truly find it hard to detect a big difference, MAYBE on certain albums I can just detect a hint more digital glare or harshness to the streamed file compared to my local ripped file but its a tough call.
I have also compared and MQA Tidal and 24/96 and up Qobuz sound as good as my ripped CDs using DB Poweramp software and my  Innuos server/streamer. Regular Tidal and Qobuz sound very, very similar.  So very close.  It depends on your digital front end and system.   No one answer is going to fit for all in all circumstances.   
 File playback from a RAM Disk is amazing. From an NVME SSD its very good. I can't listen to my stuff on HDD anymore as its not in the same class.
Kind of humorous... back 30 years ago the hot setup was ATT Glass Fiber, using  special ATT  connectors .Theta Wadia, I think even Levinson were using it. Now we’ve gone back around. There is a very proven reason to not throw out you old neck ties. LOL silly audiophiles i
Local Hi Rez rips and downloads played from a SD card sound 7.5% better than Hi-Rez and MQA from Qobuz and Tidal on my Cary DMS 600
Regan coming . Will see if it can close the gap