Pass Labs XA 30.8 Standby power draw?

I know that purchasing a Class A amplifier and being concerned with standby power draw is a bit of an environmental friendly contradiction, but does anyone know how much power a Pass Labs XA 30.8 draws when in standby mode?  The only power consumption figure that I can find is 375 watts in operating mode. 
Thanks for the responses.  Yes, 375-400W when powered on is what Pass publishes. I am however surprised by such a low standby draw of only 1/3 watt.  For some reason, I was expecting more of a power draw in standby mode.  
How did you measure the "power" consumption at various stage? If current draw, where on the amp? 
@kalali, I know that there is a device that plugs into a wall socket and then you plug in the amplifier into the device and it measure the power draw. 
I just used a Kill-a-Watt meter which you plug the amp into directly and then into wall socket as @testpilot mentioned. I was surprised of the tiny consumption in standby.  Honestly, at 265 watts I could leave the amp turned on 24/7 and the cost at my utility rate would only be $14/mo.
You got me wondering about my Krell 300cx as I forgot its specs.Standby = 60wIdle = 175wKickin' ass = 1700wNo wonder Lake Mead is about empty.  Blame it on Krell.