Well Tempered Amadeus Belts

Anybody know where I can get replacement belts for a well tempered amadeus ii, neither dealer nor distributor can seem to get me any despite multiple requests. 
The mono filament line is only about the thickness of an average human hair. The knot causes no problem with the drive. The dual 2 speed pulley on the Well Tempered TT. is designed and compensated for the knot.
slaw7,811 posts11-09-2019 8:25am@sebrof,

OK. The problem is the knot. When there is a way around (ha ha) a knot, and a better sounding solution, why not go that route?
Sounds good...but what is that route?
I was referring to: if the WT tt can use a flat belt (?), why not go with the OL belt? That's all.
I use the classic Well-Tempered TT ... and use the Origin Live belt. It was a major upgrade to the table. You can actually hear it break in over an hour or two of listening. Well worth the money.
