Studio by Donald North Audio

I am in wonder regarding Donald North Audio's Studio speakers.
I have never seen anyone mentioning them? How come?

I remember liking the Sequence when it came.
Understanding circuitry as little as I do, I probably shouldn't post this question but, what the heck, it's free: Does that seem like a lot of circuitry in the crossover? I mean, aren't many amplifiers designed with minimal circuitry in order to minimize their influence on the music signal? And if so, wouldn't it seem at least counter intuitive to put that thing in its path?
I've heard the Sequence, it was very good. I think, to use a worn out phrase, it needs to be heard. It offers a somewhat approach, i have not heard. I was told, the Studio had bettered the Sequence in some ways (Sequence is Ref still though!).
In a jungle of boxes, i never seem to get these out of my head. The Studio would sound superb with a small wattage tube amp or a very good ss amp. I would imagine, if i could, i would buy a pair. I just hoped i would find some of you guys who actually jumped the train;)
If you find anything of a more close approach, pleae get back to this thread are you nice:)