Brave man, McGowan...

Brave for sure. This will alienate a bunch of people. All cable haters and snake oilers. Very risky business for Paul to post this in public forum. 
Yes, pretty much you said you have the maturity of a 12 year old.

dill950 posts11-10-2019 12:57pm- Let's hope atdavid doesn't find this thread ...    😎

- Enough said ....

Lots of people had their Honey Bunches for breakfast! 😂

The PS Audio regenerators don't filter ground connections or noise from the gear. It only makes sense that better power cables can make a difference.

The big question is if Paul will now try the Niagara. 😁
As a big PS audio fan, when it came for a modern power conditioner, I went for the Niagara 7000.   I had a power plant premier years ago and found that a passive Acoustic Revive RPT-6 ultimate sounded better.  That was 2 generations of power plant ago, though and haven’t heard them. What sold me on The Niagara was mostly the theory behind it and also the fact that (believe it or not) I and also a friend could hear the Niagara’s benefit on power amps on a YouTube demo video.  I know it sounds crazy but it was audible.

Now I have to go read Paul’s comments referred to in this topic.  No matter the outcome of the benefits of the power plant, I’m in love with their  BHK300 amps and DS dac.

It's pretty simple, Paul is telling us/you to use your ears. That is all that is necessary. Then decide if you can't live without it or not.
Apparently that’s not how many people listen. Basically, if my Null Tester cannot pick up something, my ears cannot possibly pick up 😬