I've done 3 night clubs way back when. In one I did indeed use bag end. They were some of the better sounding drivers that didn't crap all over themselves when pushed. In 2 others, we built the speakers from the place where I worked at the time called SpeakerCraft/Marcof Electronics. We built a 15 inch 2 way that was quite good.
In both cases, I was very conscious of making the dance floor a loud yet tolerable place and keeping it so that you could have a conversation 10 feet off of the floor. I found to really do this right that the speakers had to be hung. They needed to be tilted down slightly and they needed their backs away from the area most worried about sound travel. So if you have a place where guest will congregate most, you do not want the speakers to be placed where they can fire toward your guest. Hang them firing toward the floor with the backs to the congregating area.
I normally used old Sumo Andromeda's back then, today there are several amps at 150 to 250 watts per channel that would sound better. Large drivers move air well and are normally higher sensitivity. I would recommend a high sensitivity speaker if possible. Our builds were 97 and I recall the Bag End Models that we used at being around 100, Maybe 99. I hope this helps, Tim
In both cases, I was very conscious of making the dance floor a loud yet tolerable place and keeping it so that you could have a conversation 10 feet off of the floor. I found to really do this right that the speakers had to be hung. They needed to be tilted down slightly and they needed their backs away from the area most worried about sound travel. So if you have a place where guest will congregate most, you do not want the speakers to be placed where they can fire toward your guest. Hang them firing toward the floor with the backs to the congregating area.
I normally used old Sumo Andromeda's back then, today there are several amps at 150 to 250 watts per channel that would sound better. Large drivers move air well and are normally higher sensitivity. I would recommend a high sensitivity speaker if possible. Our builds were 97 and I recall the Bag End Models that we used at being around 100, Maybe 99. I hope this helps, Tim