The sound of electrolytic capacitors failing

My system (all 20-30 year old high end gear) has started to have a sound problem. I'm hearing some breakup on peaks and a few Db shift to the right side in balance for the first hour or two of playing. At some point after that, everything suddenly snaps into a proper sound, usually in the middle of a song. I know the problem is either in my preamp or amp. Could it be one of the power supply caps breaking down? Any other ideas?
Swap the L&R to the amp. If the problem switches, it's your pre.

It could be a lot of things. At 20 years, replacing PS caps is a good idea.
That was a great suggestion,Thanks!
It’s in my amp, the power supply caps are US$190 per side. :-(

Have your amp checked out soon. $190 is a lot, but not as much as having a bad cap take out all the power transistors, or a speaker. :)

@erik_squires A bad filter capacitor won't take out power transistors but it should damage the power *transformer*.