Amp / Pre-Amp for Sonus Faber Serafino

What are the recommended amplifiers for Sonus Faber Serafino. I am looking for something extremely warm and my listening is more on the side of classical, jazz, lots of vocal and world music. 

I am currently using Martin Logan speakers with marantz DAC and Primaluna Prologue premium as the amplifier. I am looking for a similar sound with better sound stage and detail, that's the reason i am going with Sonus Faber Serafino. I am inclined towards McIntosh MC352 or Primaluna separates. 

Please suggest. 

Serafino bench measurments:
Impedance phase angles at LF means that the Serafino’s minimum EPDR (equivalent peak dissipation resistance) is 1.9ohm at 272Hz, 0.2ohm higher than the Amati’s.
Great speaker and rightly put in the same category as the SF Amati’s
But 1.9ohm!! load the amp will see at 270hz!! dictates these speakers need an amp that can do good current down to 2ohms continually and be comfortable doing it.
Forget the Prima Luna it will be sucked up the speaker cable.
If you want a warm amp that can do this load and get the best from these speakers and be comfortable doing it, look at Gryphon’s integrateds or their poweramp/s.

Cheers George
Thanks George for the quick response. Gryphon seems to be on the higher side. Will McIntosh do a good job? I am thinking one of the following options, may work. Will McIntosh be too bright?

MA8900 Integrated
MA462 Power Amp and buy a good DAC
MA352 Hybrid (Tube PreAmp and SS Amp)

I power my Serafino’s until last week when I upgraded to Amati’s with McIntosh tube products.  Couldn’t be happier.  2600 pre-amp, 2152 Amp and 1100 Phono Pre-Amp.  I’m totally sold on the sound and the components are matched very well.