br-Not to hijack this thread with talks on the Obelisk, I am doubtful you are getting any where near the capability that the Obs can give with the little Pear amp, but I could be wrong. Yes, it will drive the Obs and play music, but they are quite a tough load on most amplifiers. I drove mine for a short period of time on a Naim Uniti, stop-gap measure at the time. It worked...sort of.
Needless to say, when I finally got a Plinius 8200 in the picture, I started to really get that feel of what I knew the Obs are capable of. Of course all of our mileage here varies, we all listen for different things etc. I would certainly think about some class D amps, maybe Bel Canto, or Red Dragon, that will solidify your bass and bring some control to the setup there.
And certainly I get the instant gratification thing! Have fun and enjoy!