Highly efficient speakers to pair with my SET amp

Hi - I'm posting a little shyly, but with the hope that the collective wisdom and experience of Audiogon can help me chase down some speakers to pair with my SET amp.

I'm currently running Paradigms (Studio 60s) with my Almarro 318A (18 wpc). These are my first speakers, and the combination has kept me happy (and rolling tubes, swapping cables, and otherwise delightedly descending into happy audio oblivion) for a year or so. I've rotated among CD players and have had similar levels of happiness from a Jolida JD100 and a Njoe Tjoeb; both are lovely.

As you can see, I'm balancing sound I like with equipment I can afford. Of late, though, I've been seduced by a friend's setup, which features a much more powerful amp (tubed; same goes for his pre-amp), a higher-grade CD player, and much better speakers. I'm wondering if I can approach that level of bliss without (1) chucking the Almarro, which I love; (2) breaking the bank; and (3) ever getting into the 'edgy' danger zone (I definitely fall out on the sweet SET side of the listening world).

On said friend's advice, I'm thinking that the easiest place to start would be to seek speakers with a little more efficiency. I'm wondering if anyone might offer suggestions as to terrific, highly efficient speakers (~92 db?) in (here goes) the under- or near-$2500 range -- or might have another perspective to keep me from, um, 'borrowing' my friend's setup when he's next out of town.

Thanks very much,
If you can move a bit up in price, the two reasonably efficient systems that I've heard and liked are the Tekton Double Impacts and the Rethm Bhaava.  

The smaller and cheaper Audio Note speakers might be in play if you can find them used, are candidates because they present an easy load for your amps.  Even though they are NOT efficient, the 15 ohm or 11 ohm LS3/5A clones and used originals work quite well with amps in your power range.  
Altec 604, 605, Valencia, model 19 - all are super efficient (~97-100dB/W) with good midrange, bass, dynamics and natural tone.
Can be driven by any SET amplifier including flee power 45 and 2A3 tube SETs.