MoFi Dire Straights ‘Love Over Gold’ lp

I’m I the only one frustrated over Mobile Fidelity and Music Direct delays in getting this out? I’v heard all the  reasons for delays for the past 3 years, now neither company wants to pay double shipping costs for those individuals who ordered all 4 of the DS records so they are waiting until the completion of all the pressings are done and shipped to Music Direct. This concerns those of us who have pre-ordered. 

I know but when you call the CA MoFi number and the the Music Number they act like separate companies. MoFi site says in stock and M.D. says they have not received a thing. Do they own RTI also?

This is a not uncommon situation with Mofi and AP.  All I can suggest is to follow the saga on the Steve Hoffman forums where you can find others to commiserate with.