Michael Weiss - Soul Journey - Kickstarter

I just got an email from Jerome Sabbagh about this new all analog LP trying to get funded.  Jerome is in charge of quality control.  If any of you bought or heard Jerome's LP's, then you know how FANTASTIC they sound.  He really is a fanatic about the pressing and sound quality, (thanks for that Jerome).

The digital files sound very good, so the all analog version should be stellar!


Hi everyone,

This is Jerome Sabbagh writing (I will be in charge in quality control if this project goes through). Michael Weiss asked me to post here, as he's tied up teaching and rehearsing today. We just got 2 big pledges and we are close to $10000. The goal is $12000 and it seems reachable, even in the 17 hours left. If you are on the fence about this, now is the time to do it! Thanks! 


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Soul Journey Vinyl Kickstarter Project Relaunched Today!

I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all of you who supported my first Kickstarter attempt. We had a nice surge in pledges toward the end but fell just a little short. I’ve listened to your ideas and concerns and decided to relaunch the project for another 30 day campaign. I really want us to be successful this time so I am reducing the funding goal to $10,000 (we raised over that last time). I will make up the difference myself if need be, as the real cost of the project is $12,000. I hope you will stand by your previous pledge and help make Soul Journey on vinyl a reality. Please do not hesitate to spread the word about this project. I am grateful for your backing and your involvement and I hope we will reach the goal this time!

Here is the Kickstarter Relaunch URL: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/michael-weiss/michael-weiss-soul-journey-analog-vinyl-jazz
UPDATE: We're funded and going forward.We reached our funding goal yesterday so we're full steam ahead.You can still pledge until December 12 for double LP sets. Numbered and signed copies, and a limited number of remaining R2R, test pressings, bundles with RVG "Presenting Michael Weiss" LP and othe rewards.Here is the Kickstarter Relaunch URL: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/michael-weiss/michael-weiss-soul-journey-analog-vinyl-jazzThanks for your support,Michael