Stereo5 many people dealers included don't like the concept that Mcintosh expouses.
A proper solid state amplifier doesn't need an autotransfomer which robs the amp from being transparent, the resulting sound is warm and punchy but lacks detail.
A proper solid state amplifier can provide enough current to arc weld.
If you design a robust enough output stage you can power any load easily.
We feel that Mcintosh makes good gear but we would take our direct coupled Krell or the T+A gear for higher end products.
We sell a ton of great gear, Coda, T+A, Electrocompaniet,Unison Research's intergrated are amazing tube solid state hybrids all of these devices are warm and are all direct coupled.
Yes you can have your cake and eat it to.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
A proper solid state amplifier doesn't need an autotransfomer which robs the amp from being transparent, the resulting sound is warm and punchy but lacks detail.
A proper solid state amplifier can provide enough current to arc weld.
If you design a robust enough output stage you can power any load easily.
We feel that Mcintosh makes good gear but we would take our direct coupled Krell or the T+A gear for higher end products.
We sell a ton of great gear, Coda, T+A, Electrocompaniet,Unison Research's intergrated are amazing tube solid state hybrids all of these devices are warm and are all direct coupled.
Yes you can have your cake and eat it to.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ