Anthem STR or Lyngdorf TDAI 2170?

I recently moved house and went from a listening space that was pretty generous to my current setup (Cronus Magnum II + B&W 805D3s) to one where the soundstage sounds really flat and underwhelming. Because we watch a lot of movies, I’ve also been running an integrated (Rotel 1592) and using a splitter to switch between that and the Cronus depending on the source (music or movies).

It’s a lot of equipment and wires for a small space and, given how lackluster the sound is, I want to consolidate everything by leveling up to an integrated with room correction.

I’m stuck between an Anthem STR or a Lyngdorf TDAI 2170 (or 3400 if it’s leaps and bounds better than both).

Reviews and comments on both are equally impressive. Has anyone sampled both and have a POV on which I should go with?
@mike_in_nc The question I asked Anthem was whether they supported the Balanced AES48 standard.

I am assuming from your statement that the 25' XLR's you use sound good. 

BTW - what amp and XLR are you using with the Anthem STR preamp?
Never heard the Anthem. The Lyngdorf makes every set of speakers ive ever hooked up to them sound fabulous. With room perfect active it sounds like a pair of high end head phones. That said I think it does better with full range speakers or monitors and subs than just monitors alone. Tightens everything up tremendously. If intereted in a new one please message me. I have a great dealer and great price. 
@mofojo Thanks for the feedback. I have demoed the Lyngdorf and I thought the preamp section was perfect for me. I was not a fan of the amp section so we tried an expensive external amp at the demo and it was lights out great. Now this may have been because the 2170’s amp was too low powered for the Paradigm Person 5F speakers I heard or maybe because the unit had not been played for a while.

I have gone back and forth between the Anthem STR pre and the Lyngdorf preamp section of the 3400 (I want balanced output with AES48 balanced standard support). The unheard STR pre makes more sense because I would not waste money on a unused amp section. However, recently I went back to reading several reviews of the 2170 and they took me back to the demo I had 11 months ago, confirming the great things I remember hearing.

The dealer that has the Lyngdorf also has the Anthem STR integrated, so I will demo that units preamp section out to an external amp to mimic the STR pre. However, my feeling is that the Lyngdorf will win out because of likely a better DAC and the phenomenally quite nature of the unit. I will give this dealer my business for the preamp even if it is not the lowest price.

BTW - The room I will use the DSP is this one,
The speakers I will likely buy are this one,

So if you have any thoughts on the Lyngdorf taming these savage beasts for my room, please share.
Hurry up and buy those yamaha speakers as I can't wait to hear what you think. They look amazing.... Hoping the sound matches. Good luck.