You’ll need 400 Watt speakers, mate! Or is that two 200 Watters? I hear Deaf Teck is good...have you tride a Poke? Ditch that Demon too and Get a Yo’Mama or a Man Rats!
We in the biz got a million of these...Sansewage, Poisonear, Oinko, Drool, Kommon Hardon, Broken Awfulsoon, Caver, Fizzle Linear, McIntush,
Audio-Wretcheda...I could go on.
We in the biz got a million of these...Sansewage, Poisonear, Oinko, Drool, Kommon Hardon, Broken Awfulsoon, Caver, Fizzle Linear, McIntush,
Audio-Wretcheda...I could go on.