How much do you need to spend to get digital to rival analog?

I have heard some very high end digital front ends and although  they do sound very good, I never get the satisfaction that I do when i listen to analog regardless if its a"coloration" or whatever. I will listen to high end digital, and then I soon get bored, as if it just does not have the magic That I experience with a well set up analog system. So how much do I need to spend to say, " get a sound that at least equals or betters a 3K Turntable?

Interesting post Zalive...

 For the same reasons your speak about i personally opt for a minimal design NOS battery dac (tda 1543) and to this day i see no limitations in my audio system with it...Upgrading this 24 bucks bidded french battery dac from Ebay is excluded...The S.Q of this dac is so good that each improvement in my system were never dragged behind by it...There is way better than this dac, but way way much costlier...And I dont want to pay for the research and design of some very known dac designer...
Hey, I just got back from an audio show. There are some digital systems out there that play in a magical way. But, way expensive. Case in point, the mbl room.  They showed off their all digital flagship system. I never heared a system play music like that ever. It really was amazing and I've been into hifi for 40 years now. That been said, only the speaker system (two speakers and two subs) was arround 866,000.00 plz., each of the foue amps were 84,000 plz., and I stopt looking at the little sighns there. 😕 Yes it is out there but.... 
We are talking DACs here. There is no feedback on a Delta-Sigma DAC.

Much else of what you wrote appeared incorrect as well.

zalive15 posts11-12-2019 9:56a

R2R is basically a natural, straightforward approach in itself. There's no feedback in the process, unlike delta-sigma for which the feedback is necessary means of getting the DA done. And feedback is generally associated with corrections, approximations and messing with the time domain (as with the feedback you always correct with the time delay relative to the signal you're correcting with).

Even on an almost 900K system, I still feel there are compromises. For one thing, its not analog. also, I have never heard drums, cymbals and overall air sound right on any digital system.  Unfortunately, sometimes you have no choice as some music is digital and was never releases in analog or (tape, record).
Whether it releases on analog or digital, most music in the last several decades was digital right up to the cutting machine.

When you say "right", do you mean as you have heard them in an acoustic club? ... or how you think they should sound?