Recommendations for high quality Streaming Audio:

Greetings everyone; looking for recommendations on how to stream high quality audio, let me explain.

I currently use my Apple 8S phone, with a high quality aux cord, into my preamp. This method has better sound quality than when I use a blue-tooth adapter and stream from my phone, but I enjoy being able to stay seated and having control of what I want to listen to.

Anything out there that gives the user remote control / access to what they want to listen to?

If not, I'll settle fort he next best thing, being plugged into my preamp, and having high quality audio without wireless control

Budget: $1,000 for equipment, $25 per month for streaming service.

I don’t know much about DAC’s , streamers, etc.. or alternative music streaming sites, but I do know that there are better options out there from what I’ve read on these forums.

Thanks in advance for the forthcoming enlightenment.


Thyname, Thanks for the feedback, I watched a youtube review of the Bluesound Node 2i, impressive component.

I have an older NAD pre-amp. No internal DAC / no digital inputs.
Node 2i has a decent DAC built in. You can go RCA out from Node 2i to your Preamp. You can then control the Node 2i from your smart phone or tablet via the BlueOS app. Very easy to use
Do you have this unit or experienced it in person? How is the sound quality? I would be happy with CD quality sound.
I no longer have it. I used to have it. Have upgraded a while back, to much more expensive system (see my current gear under "systems" for my user name).

For the price, the sound quality is excellent. Hard to beat
I have two Bluesound Node 2 (previsous version before the 2i version) and have been very happy with them.  The Android interface is very good and easy to use, I can't speak to the Apple interface, but would expect it to be similar.