Ching Cheng Power Cords

Does anyone know a source for purchasing ching cheng power cords?

I want to buy a reliable 14 or 16 gauge power cable, but have read enough information that I don't want to spend the money for a boutique or audiophile cable. Nelson Pass ships his amps with this brand of cable, so I figured that's a good enough testimonial for me.

Unfortunately I can't find a way to buy them (their website appears to be made for commercial buyers).

Thanks for any help.
@douglas_schroeder   LOL, that is very true. The Ching Chengs are being pushed by some self appointed audio guru on another forum, which is why I wanted to listen to them. The net result is what I posted above. BUT, if you wanted a power cord that was able to 'neutralize' your sound and make the system sound dead...then what the guru states would be correct! Personally, my friend and I couldn't wait to put them in the trash where they belong.
Funny this thread got resurrected.  I was using the CC cords and eventually upgraded to Furutech and DH Lab based cords once my system got to a good enough level.  They were a significant upgrade on most components.  The stock cord did actually sound better on a Pass XA25.  Switching the exact same cords on Coincident Frankenstein 300bs produced the exact opposite results.  As with all things, final results will be system dependent.  
Where did your friend buy the Ching Chengs, @daveyf ?

most of those cords you used are quite colored imo.