His quantum chips ... aren’t "chips" i.e. intelligent chips you would think of, but I am sure there is a very creative explanation for them.
When you start out with gross lies, it pretty much makes everything you say suspect. It seems to be a common problem in certainly audiophile circles.
I have a degree in theoretical physics (fluid dynamics and propulsion) from the University of Virginia, actually now that I think about it I accumulated the most credits ever recorded by an undergraduate, 203. I was selected to present my undergraduate thesis to the AIAA national conference on a design of a low thrust rocket engine for interplanetary space travel using highly magnetized metal crystal bombarded by highly accelerated Xenon ions. I designed the FAA’s first satellite system twenty five years ago. i wrote the definitive explanation for how the intelligent chip works quantum mechanically ten years ago and have been designing quantum chips for many years. However, I can certainly understand how English majors would be rubbed the wrong way.
geoff Kait
September 28, 2014 - 7:34am
Machina Dynamica