Options besides a computer for streaming


I Have a older MacBook Pro that I have been streaming tidal with thru my Lampizator dac.

it sounds very good but lately my battery want hold a charge and sometimes it want play without trying several times.

 Basically it’s old and I was considering replacing it, but then was thinking since it’s dedicated just for music playback. Perhaps there’s a better choice for similar cost of a new MacBook?

any info appreciated especially from Lampizator owners.

thanks, Scott
There are many fine choices in that range and significantly less.  The newest MacBook costs around $2300.  You didn’t mention where your music is stored; is it on the HD of your current PC?  If so you will need to back it up if you haven’t done so already.  A related question is if you need a HD to store your files on to be part of the streamer, or is it contained in a separate location such as a NAS
Something with a built-in media player and Ethernet input will likely not require a computer, maybe a tablet or smart phone with browser for operation.
The Bluesound Node2i would fill your needs well at around $500.  It should play nice with your DAC 
I just started another discussion, I also have a Lampizator transport.

still trying to figure it out but it’s supposed to have a modded Logitech squeezebox inside.

with that connected would I still need to connect my dac to my MacBook?