It is an interesting article, and I certainly will not fault his credentials w.r.t neurobiology, though it sounds like his knowledge w.r.t. the auditory processing system is 2-skin layers deep but no doubt still deeper than mine. But, even that I will not fault.
What I will fault is his knowledge of signal processing and how that relates to analog/digital conversion and analog signal reconstruction. He seems to process the same limitations in his knowledge as Teo_Audio illustrates above with his record example, that Millercarbon alludes to, and whoever did not calculation w.r.t. bandwidth.
I will start off with the usual example. Records, almost all of them made in the last 2 decades (and longer) were recorded, mixed, mastered on digital recording and processing systems. Therefore, whatever disadvantages you think apply to digital systems w.r.t. this timing "thing" absolutely and unequivocally apply to records recorded in digital.
So back to the paper, Teo’s error in logic / knowledge, miller’s interpretation. The most recent research shows that us lowly humans can time the difference of arrival of a signal to each ear to about 5-10 micro-seconds. Using that mainly, and other information, we can place the angle of something in front of us to about 1 degree. 5usec =~1.5mm of travel. Divide the circumference of the head by 1.5mm and you get about 360, or 1 degree of resolution. Following?
So how does the brain measure this timing? By the latest research, it appears to have 2 mechanisms, one, that works on higher frequencies, higher than the wavelength of the head’s size, that is based on group delay / correlation, i.e. the brain can match the same signal arriving to both ears and time the difference and another mechanism for lower frequencies, that can detect phase, likely by a simple comparator and timing mechanism. The two overlap. Still following? You will not this happens with relatively low frequencies, i.e. still frequencies within the range identified for human hearing. I know know ... but the timing, what about the timing. So let’s talk about that.
First a statement: In a bandwidth limited system (as digital audio systems are), any signal on those two (or more) channels will be time accurate to the jitter and SNR limit of the system, and NOT the sampling rate. Let me state that another way. Any difference in timing captured by a digital audio system, assuming the signal is within the frequency limits of that system, will be captured. Let me state that a 3rd way with an example. We have a 96KHz ADC with 10 pico-second jitter. We have two identical signals, bandwidth limited to say 10Khz. One signal arrives at the first ADC 1-microsecond before it arrives at the other ADC. We then store it and play it back. What will we get? ... We will get 2 signals, essentially exactly the same, with one signal delayed by 1-microsecond.
So, all those arguments the neurobiologist made in that extensive article, all his knowledge, are all for naught because he does not understand digital signal processing and ADC systems and analog reconstruction. If he did, he would have known that digital audio systems, within the limits of bandwidth, are not limited in inter-channel timing accuracy to the sample rate, but to the jitter. Whether the signals leave both channels at time A or time B does not matter, as long as the relationship in timing between the two channel is accurate .... which it is in digital analog systems.
.... and if you are reading this GK, not once did I need to consult wikipedia :-) ...
What I will fault is his knowledge of signal processing and how that relates to analog/digital conversion and analog signal reconstruction. He seems to process the same limitations in his knowledge as Teo_Audio illustrates above with his record example, that Millercarbon alludes to, and whoever did not calculation w.r.t. bandwidth.
I will start off with the usual example. Records, almost all of them made in the last 2 decades (and longer) were recorded, mixed, mastered on digital recording and processing systems. Therefore, whatever disadvantages you think apply to digital systems w.r.t. this timing "thing" absolutely and unequivocally apply to records recorded in digital.
So back to the paper, Teo’s error in logic / knowledge, miller’s interpretation. The most recent research shows that us lowly humans can time the difference of arrival of a signal to each ear to about 5-10 micro-seconds. Using that mainly, and other information, we can place the angle of something in front of us to about 1 degree. 5usec =~1.5mm of travel. Divide the circumference of the head by 1.5mm and you get about 360, or 1 degree of resolution. Following?
So how does the brain measure this timing? By the latest research, it appears to have 2 mechanisms, one, that works on higher frequencies, higher than the wavelength of the head’s size, that is based on group delay / correlation, i.e. the brain can match the same signal arriving to both ears and time the difference and another mechanism for lower frequencies, that can detect phase, likely by a simple comparator and timing mechanism. The two overlap. Still following? You will not this happens with relatively low frequencies, i.e. still frequencies within the range identified for human hearing. I know know ... but the timing, what about the timing. So let’s talk about that.
First a statement: In a bandwidth limited system (as digital audio systems are), any signal on those two (or more) channels will be time accurate to the jitter and SNR limit of the system, and NOT the sampling rate. Let me state that another way. Any difference in timing captured by a digital audio system, assuming the signal is within the frequency limits of that system, will be captured. Let me state that a 3rd way with an example. We have a 96KHz ADC with 10 pico-second jitter. We have two identical signals, bandwidth limited to say 10Khz. One signal arrives at the first ADC 1-microsecond before it arrives at the other ADC. We then store it and play it back. What will we get? ... We will get 2 signals, essentially exactly the same, with one signal delayed by 1-microsecond.
So, all those arguments the neurobiologist made in that extensive article, all his knowledge, are all for naught because he does not understand digital signal processing and ADC systems and analog reconstruction. If he did, he would have known that digital audio systems, within the limits of bandwidth, are not limited in inter-channel timing accuracy to the sample rate, but to the jitter. Whether the signals leave both channels at time A or time B does not matter, as long as the relationship in timing between the two channel is accurate .... which it is in digital analog systems.
.... and if you are reading this GK, not once did I need to consult wikipedia :-) ...