Dear @tzh21y @zalive : """ I have never heard drums, cymbals and overall air sound right on any digital system................................ it sounds in say an orchestra hall. """
of course not, you can’t hear it that way not only in digital but in LP neither:
first because you can’t have the live music exprerience in true/real way in any room/home system and second ( between other reasons. ) becdause in a Hall your seat position maybe it’s at 20+ meters from the instrument source where the recording microphones pick-up the same information " seated " at near field: 1m-3m.
Now if you listen cymbals or drums seated at nearfield position and at real SPL those cymbals/drums will crush severely your whole body not only your ears and you can’t stay listened in that stage for more than 5 minutes, maybe less time before you will deaf for the years to come.
Microphones can support SPLs in excess of 130+dbs continuously.
Our ears follow a " protocol ":
and all those is only through our ears but we have to remember that we listen through the whole human been body: hair, skin nervous ends, muscle, bones and the like. Body has a lot of resources to listen almost anything. So, both of you as amghister too needs to live the live nearfield experiences with real MUSIC at real SPLs.
Btw, @geoffkait :: """ Tape is a natural medium. It breathes. """
natural medium?, maybe only for you. Breathes? certainly digital shares that characteristics in excess.
So what’s your point down there?, as a fact I don’t care about your answer but I can tell you that casettes is not the issue in this thread. Btw, I still own the Nakamichi 700ZXL:
beautiful and great vintage machine.
Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
R. it sounds in say an orchestra hall. """
of course not, you can’t hear it that way not only in digital but in LP neither:
first because you can’t have the live music exprerience in true/real way in any room/home system and second ( between other reasons. ) becdause in a Hall your seat position maybe it’s at 20+ meters from the instrument source where the recording microphones pick-up the same information " seated " at near field: 1m-3m.
Now if you listen cymbals or drums seated at nearfield position and at real SPL those cymbals/drums will crush severely your whole body not only your ears and you can’t stay listened in that stage for more than 5 minutes, maybe less time before you will deaf for the years to come.
Microphones can support SPLs in excess of 130+dbs continuously.
Our ears follow a " protocol ":
and all those is only through our ears but we have to remember that we listen through the whole human been body: hair, skin nervous ends, muscle, bones and the like. Body has a lot of resources to listen almost anything. So, both of you as amghister too needs to live the live nearfield experiences with real MUSIC at real SPLs.
Btw, @geoffkait :: """ Tape is a natural medium. It breathes. """
natural medium?, maybe only for you. Breathes? certainly digital shares that characteristics in excess.
So what’s your point down there?, as a fact I don’t care about your answer but I can tell you that casettes is not the issue in this thread. Btw, I still own the Nakamichi 700ZXL:
beautiful and great vintage machine.
Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,