Recommendations for high quality Streaming Audio:

Greetings everyone; looking for recommendations on how to stream high quality audio, let me explain.

I currently use my Apple 8S phone, with a high quality aux cord, into my preamp. This method has better sound quality than when I use a blue-tooth adapter and stream from my phone, but I enjoy being able to stay seated and having control of what I want to listen to.

Anything out there that gives the user remote control / access to what they want to listen to?

If not, I'll settle fort he next best thing, being plugged into my preamp, and having high quality audio without wireless control

Budget: $1,000 for equipment, $25 per month for streaming service.

I don’t know much about DAC’s , streamers, etc.. or alternative music streaming sites, but I do know that there are better options out there from what I’ve read on these forums.

Thanks in advance for the forthcoming enlightenment.


The Bluesound Node 2i is a sweet little unit and you can't beat it for the price.  I also like that fact that you can connect a flash drive, or an external hard drive, to the USB port and play music from your private collection.  It also decodes MQA if you want to stream Tidal masters.  Cheers, and happy streaming!
I have been quite impressed with the CocktailAudio X45Pro. The build quality is amazing. It will Rip, Store, and Stream.  The endless features in the programming are amazing.  It sound very good with both speakers and headphones.  I use the Audeze 4z headphones coupled directly to the X45Pro and alternatively coupled to the Audeze King Amp.  I have been pleased with both configurations.  
With speakers I use the Magnepan 1.7i (perfect for my room), REL sub, Classe amp and good wiring all around. 
I use no other source but the CocktailAudio X45Pro.  As an all-in-one source unit it serves me functionally and the sound is exceptional.
It is my wish that whatever you are listening to best serves your audio needs.
The BlueSound Node 2i is excellent — as others have said. What is critical is upgrading the power cord. The stock cord is fine, but for $100-300. more, the unit really opens up and the bass emerges with authority.  I have heard it in my own system with its internal DAC - very good, but not great - and with a $10,000 DAC - spectacular.  I stream MQA Tidal and HD Amazon.  Both sound terrific via the BlueSound Node. 
Another recommendation for the Node 2i, I love mine.

That said, if you really want to hear what any streamer can do, you should connect it via ethernet. I'm sure there is some creative way that you can route the cable so it's not so intrusive.  You will be glad you did.


barkey -
Why wait? Bright Audio sells the 2i at the old $499 price plus gives you 10% off that. $450 delivered to San Diego in about 10 days, shipped directly from the distributor. Six weeks now and loving it. One glitch. The iPad app tone control compresses the music and doesn’t affect the tone at all. Thankfully it is easily defeated with a click.