Borresen Acoustics Speakers - Have you heard them & what did you think?

Borresen Acoustics have recently launched three models of loudspeaker.   The chief designer is ex-Raidho Acoustics.  Just wondering whether anyone heard or auditioned them and if so what were your impressions?  When commenting please let us know what loudspeakers you have today as this provides a useful point of reference.   
I should be getting my new 03's and U380 "soon". Yup, super expensive for the two but (as of today) I can afford it. I currently own the 02's and the U300. As I have stated in other posts, the 02's are really super nice sounding speakers but they just seemed to lack a bit of punch in the low ends. My friend George, who already owns the 03's, suggested adding a sub woofer to fill in that missing void but because of my current room constraints (small living room) it wasn't feasible. He then convinced me to make the upgrade to the 03's. Yeah, I know it's a considerable risk buying a new pair of speakers (sight unseen or listened to) but between George and Tyler's expertise it seemed like a no-brainer for me. Time will tell!! 

Hi guys i'm also a new Borresen fan and was blown away by what i've heard at the Munich show this year.I own Thiel CS 3.7s and would like to upgrade towards Borresen 02 or 03 depending on budget.Do you guys think it's really worth purchasing the 03 right away and not have to upgrade anymore or should the 02 be ok for the long run ?I don't want to spend more than 100k for the whole rig : speakers, integrated amp, DAC and cables.Thinking of CH Precision I1 integrated, Vitus SIA-030, Dartzeel CTH-8550 mkll, T+A PA3100HV or even Absolare integrated to drive 02s or 03s.I will not be able to audition all of them at home but the CH and Dart for sure i can borrow from dealer.
Let me know what you guys think.
If you can afford them the 03 is the sweet spot. While the 01's are great the 02's IMO are just a bit better in the lows. The 03's will have more lows but much cleaner midrange. Also IMO the 05's are the best but just by a little. As far as an integrated the pre owned - out of production U300's are a bargain.

Good luck
Im in illinois. Ill go listen. What i wont do, others might. Thst is ones choice. I always try and seek much are the 03 borrenson...