Or Volumio Primo
Recommendations for high quality Streaming Audio:
Greetings everyone; looking for recommendations on how to stream high quality audio, let me explain.
I currently use my Apple 8S phone, with a high quality aux cord, into my preamp. This method has better sound quality than when I use a blue-tooth adapter and stream from my phone, but I enjoy being able to stay seated and having control of what I want to listen to.
Anything out there that gives the user remote control / access to what they want to listen to?
If not, I'll settle fort he next best thing, being plugged into my preamp, and having high quality audio without wireless control
Budget: $1,000 for equipment, $25 per month for streaming service.
I don’t know much about DAC’s , streamers, etc.. or alternative music streaming sites, but I do know that there are better options out there from what I’ve read on these forums.
Thanks in advance for the forthcoming enlightenment.
If Boone gas Said this, a Raspberry Pi with Hifiberry or similarvwill work and sounds better than your iPhone. Or Volumio Primo https://darko.audio/2019/06/a-short-film-about-the-volumio-primo/ |
As I previously stated, Hardwiring makes a huge difference. Last night I just switched routers. My internet speeds are over 100MB most of the time. To check the sound quality between wireless and hardwired, we placed the router 3 feet away from the Node2. I did a quick speed test on the wireless and came up at 110MB so I know it had a good wireless signal. We then proceeded to listen. We then hardwired the Node2 and listened again. The results were immediately noticeable. The wireless connected Tidal MQA sounded much flatter. Much less stage presence. We listened to the same song through the Node2 wirelessly and then through my Cambridge 851C CD player, and then finally through the Node2 hardwired. The hardwired Node2 and Tidal MQA was the clear winner. It sounded better than my CD player. |
I have a serious question on this topic: Does your internet provider matter, as far a the quality of sound. I am not claiming it does not exist, but I am skeptical, because I have never heard streamed music sound as good as a good CD on my system, or significantly better than my KT-917 or B&K TS 108 tuners. CD vs streaming is somewhat of it's own hotly debated topic. Several people have compared streamers vs transports into the same DACs. I think it's something that's best to try and decide for yourself. But your ISP *shouldn't* matter as long as you are getting appropriate bandwidth. |
Get a Allo Digione Player .... $175 will sound as good, if not better
than the 'high priced spread'... Get the Acrylic Case... Many software
options for Free. Your choice of DAC.... Been running them for years. https://www.allo.com/sparky/digione-player.html |