Once again, GeoffKait enters the argument, makes personal insults and jokes, adds absolutely Nothing to the argument, and hijacks the thread making it useless. Unlike Geoffkait’s posts, which are nothing but personal attacks, deflection, and obtuse comments, mine are filled with real information, directly related to the post, and I even provided links to relevant information and downloadable experiments that can be run that show exactly what I am claiming. If you have any, I mean any value at all to add to this thread, you would disprove well anything that I have written .... but no, just more personal attacks because you have ... nothing. This discussion and the basic premise of the article have little to do with "sound" at all, but whether a digitized system has relative sub-sample timing information. That you attempt to make it about "sound" shows you don't understand the premise of the article and were confused by the title.
Is There A Moderator In The House
Is There A Moderator In The House