Here is a paper, it is about ultrasonic imaging, but that is simply a scaling issue w.r.t. frequency. It has nice graphs that clearly illustrate the ability to extract timing information and shows them as a function of sample rate. Even at a relatively low SNR, 30db, the error in extracting timing is very small. The oversampling in this case is 20x the frequency of the waveform: https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:995652/FULLTEXT01.pdf
Here is a paper, it is about ultrasonic imaging, but that is simply a scaling issue w.r.t. frequency. It has nice graphs that clearly illustrate the ability to extract timing information and shows them as a function of sample rate. Even at a relatively low SNR, 30db, the error in extracting timing is very small. The oversampling in this case is 20x the frequency of the waveform: https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:995652/FULLTEXT01.pdf