Considering Moving to an Integrated, Opinions Appreciated

Hi All,

I have converted a spare bedroom to an office/listening room. It is only 12x12. Like most here I have swapped gear in and out for years. I really enjoy the sound of my current system, but space is at a premium and I am considering moving to an integrated from separates.  I have stacks of gear around and am more inclined to get something I can set and forget and maybe even sell a bunch of this crap :)  This is my current system:

LTA microZOTL pre
McIntosh MC2505 amp
MHDT Labs Orchid DAC
PS Audio GCPH Phono Stage
Marantz TT15 Turntable
B&W Nautilus 805 Speakers

The system sounds very nice.  I am not opposed to keeping the DAC and/or phono stage, but it would be nice to have everything in the integrated if possible.  I was looking in the $2500-$3000 range. I might be able to extend my budget some if I can move some of my current gear.  I am not opposed to used.  I have been looking at things like the Lyngdorf 2710, Musical Fidelity M6si, Classe 2200i, Naim, etc. I did read the Lyngdorf vs Anthem thread, which was helpful.

The Lyngdorf seems like it ticks most of the boxes, but I am a little concerned about the amp stage.  Multiple people have described it as "dry" and my preference leans more towards warm.  I am aware that it is class D.  I am not opposed to that, I ran a Peachtree Nova 220SE for about a year and liked it.  However, I recently did some A/B testing with my current setup and the current one is the clear winner.  I also bought an Emerald Physics 100.2se based on rave reviews and I thought it would be a great much with my pre, but it really did not sound good at all.  Maybe it just didn't match well with the pre or speakers.

Most of my listening is digital.  My TT is actually not hooked up at the moment because I don't have room on my current shelf and I am missing it. 

Advice is appreciated, thanks!
Pass labs   Makes several nice ones, coda s very good 
upscale Gryphon ,Accuphase,to name a few.
I would listen to the Lack of response regarding the Lyngdorf.  It was a hit a few seasons ago but I know several of the people that spoke highly of them have sold them off.  I found the 2170 to be dull and contrived and was never drawn to music with it.  
@bjesien I seemed to recall several people singing their praises in the past, but I wasn't looking at the time.  Now, I agree, I'm not hearing anyone on the bandwagon now! 

It is more difficult because I don't have local dealers for most of the good integrated amps.  I do have a dealer that will let me test Naim gear in home.
A couple of options: if you want a tube integrated, check out the Rogue Cronus Magnum with kt120 tubes. I would look at the Hegel H300-H360 if you want a more neutral sounding amp with a dac built in. I’ve owned both the Rogue and Hegel. The Rogue would cost less than $3000 new or $1500 used and the Hegel H360 (my preference) would be in the $3000+ range used
First post... I have been going through the same process... I just purchased a Sigma 2001i and really like it. A lot of it was the feature set. I like to noodle with settings and the Sigma hits all the buttons with a very comprehensive PEQ. Also simple tone controls. No WiFi, but wired connection possible for Airplay etc. Lots of customization options as well. I happen to be selling my Peachtree 300, which I thought was overall great, but just a little too extreme in the “simplistic” nature of things. It is literally, plug and play. No fuss, no muss. No funky settings, basically volume adjustments, that’s it. Plus it’s one of the best looking little amps on the market IMO.