So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000?

Pretty much as the title says.
Have been looking for a while for a decent DD table to add to my lot.
Have bought a few lower end ones and ultimately been dissapointed.
Now I know there were/ are literally hundreds of choices from the Japanese Golden era of DD tables.
Looking for suggestions from actual owners of solid DD tables up to about $1000 .
I have read and read but nothing substitutes for real experience.
This would likely not be my primary table, my Garrard 401 has that position for now.

Thank you.
Gallus, You got me interested when you mentioned the Luxman switch box, because Luxman makes good stuff.  However, the AS4 seems to be made for AV systems, which is to say it's for switching high level signals, not mV level signals as seen from a phono cartridge.  I think a high quality switch could be done with relays, but you would want to use only the highest quality parts and to have a smart person design and build it.  So, the cost would be correspondingly high ($1000 or more, I would think), and STILL there would be an inevitable signal loss involved.  I've thought about having such a switch made for my system, and my numbers are based on an actual conversation with a potential custom builder.  I decided not to do it, but I do own two high quality phono stages that each provide more than one pair of phono inputs.
I did find a review where they used the as4 for the exact purpose of phono switching. It was for a table with 3 tonearm but same principle.

They did say they were fairly confident some SQ degradation was audible.

I thought Manley did make a high quality switchbox at one time? Seem to remember price was up there around $1700 or so?
Google is your friend... Lol.
The Manley Skipjack was the unit.
Supposed to have been capable of handling phono duties with some very impressive specifications.

Of course only used to be had now and seem to be in the region of $750 to $1000.

Something to think about and keep a weather eye out for.
What do people here do for a platter mat on the tt71 & 81?
The OEM platters with the raised lip do not allow flush fitment of any of the platter mats I have.
Only the original rubber mats fit down in the recess.
Regards, Uberwaltz:

I picked up a TT71 years ago "for a song" and thought the OEM mat damped HF's. Borrowed the mat from my PL 70L 11 and confirmed.

Currently running a Boston Audio Mat 2 which seems to neither add or take away from the signal. If you appreciate a "warm" presentation then you might stay with the supplied mat.
