$27,500 for whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???

$27,500 is a nice chunk of change, even in the audiophile world.  I think we can all agree on this.  You can get a pretty kick ass system for that amount.  I think we can all agree on this, too.  I just read something at stereophile.com that almost...almost made me choke on my triscuit.   Luckily for me, I had water ready to go, knowing how dry those things are.  $27,500 is the price for a paint upgrade, a color called cranberry pearl finish on a pair of speakers made by Wilson, the Chronosonic XVX.   Now, when we hear the name Wilson, we all know what that means.   But come on man,  $27,500 for a paint upgrade. 
As a person with a pedestrian Guards Red 991.2 RS, I would have gladly paid for PTS which was less than half the cost of paint on these speakers. I agree on the absurd, money grab price. 
It’s a good thing that they only decided on $27.5k...as some of their dealers were asking for ten times that amount, for the paint job that is~😬
It's high time we admit that Wilson and a lot of other brands are vanity brands.  Performance is far down the list of priorities.  The silly prices are the appeal.  It's sort of sad when you think about it.  You find yourself in the top 0.1% and you've got nothing better to spend your money on than vanity products.  They're big, they're shiny, a bunch of poor people spent significant chunks of their lives making them look impressive.  I find that world completely uninteresting.  Could we banish all that stuff to a vanity brand forum?
Could we banish all that stuff to a vanity brand forum?
We can call that forum "Commies".

I'm really okay with someone else spending $27,500 on a paint job.
Exactly! Who cares about how other people spend their money? And I wouldn't expect others to care about how I spend mine.