Audio hobby is like tasting wine.

1. There is no best wine for everyone.

It depends on personal taste to choose favorite wine.

2. Law of diminishing return apply to both audio and wine.

100$ wine is not 10 times better than 10$ wine.

1,000$ wine is not 10 times better than 100$ wine.

3. You need experience to acknowledge good audio or wine.

I am not wine connoisseur.

But I could taste some nice wines through one of my rich friend who is willing to treat nice wines in his listening room.

He treated 700$ wine to me last year. It is the best wine I had ever tasted.

I had never bought wine more than 150$ myself, since I do not have confidence in selecting right one.

Some rich guy paid huge price for big audio system.

It plays loud but not in the balanced way or without any nuanced flavor of nice wines.

Money can not buy you nice system.

You need experience to match right components and cables.

4. One keeps looking for different flavor.

Most people do not want to drink same wine everyday.

They wish to taste different flavor.

Audiophile is looking for new flavor in their audio system.

They keep changing components every year or do some tweaks like cable rolling, tube rolling and power isolation.

Sometimes audiophile do sidegrade rather than upgrade.

I have my first serious audio system back to 1978 with ADS bookself speaker, Garrard Turntable and Fisher integrated amplifier.

After using dynamic speakers like Altech, Thiel and Canton, I was enamored by Apogee Duetta ribbon speaker and Martin Logan CLX full range electrostatic speaker around 1989.

I do not have enough listening space or money to buy two of them at the same time.

Although I loved silky violin tone out of Martin Logan, I chose Apogee based upon overall balance and seemless dynamics.

I had been happy with Apogee Duetta Sig driven by Krell KSA 150 from 1989 to 1999.

But I wish to get sub bass below 35 hz.

It is not easy to match subwoofer with Apogee Duetta Sig which is very fast.

Thus I had switched to Avalon Ascent II and then to Wilson Watt Puppy 4 and then B&W Notilus 801.

B&W Notilus 801(15 inch woofer) driven by Jadis 500(350 watts tube power) gave the most powerful and deep bass in my listening room.

But with too much heat and some tube popping out, I had swtiched to 300B SET amp with 8 watts from the recommendation of my friend who treated me 700$ wine.

I also replaced B&W Notilus 801 with full range high efficiency speaker.

Full range speaker is not my cup of tea with limited dynamics and bass extension.

Thus I had auditioned few speakers to replace full range.

It came down to Lansche 4.1 and JBL DD66000.

Although I liked enormous dynamics out of JBL, it may need more power than 8watts of Silbatone.SET.

Thus I had chosen Lansche on 2007 and been happy with its pristine treble out of plasma tweeter.

Last December, I came across Vintage Western horn full system which cost 300K$.

I really like its natural dynamics and timber out of it.

But I could not shell out 300K$ right now.

This year I had embarked upon earphones and headphones.

I need those listening to music when my wife is sleeping or I travel out of town.

I had lot of joy in Stax 009S driven by Carbon amp with nuanced details and wide and deep headstage.

Although I loved Martin Logan CLX sound, I had never had electrostatic speaker at home.

Now I enjoy Stax 009s instead.

I also had considered getting ribbon or planar speaker but will opt for ribbon headphone instead.

It is called Raal Sr1a which I auditioned last week.

It reminds me of Apogee Duetta with fast and open sound.

I expect to get it January next year.

Some people place more than two sets of speakers in one room.

But I do not like such placement since sound of speaker is very sensitive to room acoustics.

But it is easier to have several headphones and choose them upon mood without paying attention to room acoustics or space.

For the time being I will play with several headphones with various flavors.
2. Law of diminishing return apply to both audio and wine.

100$ wine is not 10 times better than 10$ wine.

One time out to dinner with some friends on a trip we had this one guy fancied himself a wine expert made a big deal asking the wine steward all kinds of questions. Well big deal for America. In France probably would have been like nothing. Anyway they go on and on, what are we eating, what about this one, okay, but this vintage or..... then the one he orders for the table is like ten bucks a head, and a lot of heads, so hardly a dribble of wine.

How in the world any wine is worth like $100 a bottle.... let alone what this one cost.. $120? $150? .... and this was years ago, back when whatever amount of money it was then would actually buy you something....

So then they bring it and pour it and I am at this point (again, this was years ago) no big wine guy but I'll be damned if that wine didn't actually LOOK better. I mean just sitting there in the glass, damn! How is this even possible???

My nose is pretty bad from allergies and my bad choice of parents or whatever and yet somehow good enough to notice it even smells fabulous. And while I'm no wine expert its not like I'm used to box wine either, I've been to wineries, sampled, tend to buy pretty decent stuff, but not like this.

Finally a taste and damn again, ambrosia! Bad as I wanted to make it last couldn't stop drinking it either. Well I mean when it goes so good with the dinner it was almost like some drug. Bite of steak, sip of wine, ahhhh! 

Bottle of course is gone. Only now I have a problem. Because I want to order a bottle. And my wife is kicking me. Because its so expensive. Like I care. This stuff is GOOD!

So I would say yes indeed wine is like stereo. Only its not quite true this business of diminishing returns. Oh, maybe in some statistical generic sense it is. But we go case by case. ;) On that basis it turns out sometimes returns are the opposite of diminishing. Sometimes you really do get what you pay for.
@ millercarbon

So many things to taste before you die.

Since I do not have confidence in choosing right wine at expensive price,

I prefer to choose decent wine around 20$.

But the 700$ wine that my friend treated me was really good with refined flavor.
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