Full Range comparison

Thinking about addinfg a 2nd system next year, Trying to figure out best full range fora  845 amp i plan to purchase.
Thoughts on ,
1)SEAS Exotic/w xover.
2)Seas cheaper line of FR
3)Japenese Full Range offered on ebay., which are less than 1/2 the price of the Exotics, and are cool looking. 
I listen to classical /voice/chamber/orchestra. 
FR will be 8 inches, no ribbon, no tweeter. 

I wouldn’t take his opinion of Wharfedale as an indicator of what his products are like. In the full range arena, he does an excellent job. And he also just states opinions on what he "knows". He may not have access to or know the labs from vendors such as Focal, B&W, Wilson, etc.

There are a multitude of youtube videos with Mark Audio speakers. However, there’s only one with the 12P and it uses a very mild recording from a turntable. Not really the best to showcase this speaker.

I used the 12P and made a center channel speaker. Being a full range paper cone, it was slightly soft in the very high frequencies. Using Cardas rhodium binding posts and Furutech rhodium disconnect clips helped tremendously with the high frequency extension (also removing those connection extenders on the MarkAudio speaker). The result is a very excellent, accurate and revealing speaker. I also recommend using a solid-core type of speaker cable for internal, such as Audioquest Rocket 44/88.

I did go on to engineer and build a replacement set of speakers because the Mark Audio was slightly soft in the highs (this was before I switched to rhodium binding/clips -- I originally had gold-plated connectors and binding posts). I used a variation of the Seas Thor speaker. Used 7" Seas Excel magnesium cone woofers and the Seas soft dome tweeter. It did do very well in the high frequencies, but the magnesium drivers have a bright breakup at around 5khz that needs to be handled with a notch filter.

Don’t get me wrong, I am a huge Seas fan. They make excellent drivers. However, I have heard a lot of full range drivers and wizzer cones. While some may like them and they do full range well, the wizzer cones all come with compromises and problems. Additionally, a woofer designed to play well down low will always have problems in the upper frequencies (such as above 2khz). Look at any Scanspeak woofer and you will see a really bad response above 1-2khz. However, they are awsome between 50 and 900 hz.

In the end, I would rather listen to the Mark Audio 12P instead of a higher priced over engineered driver such as the Seas. I think the Mark Audio is just going to sound more natural and "real" than the breakup and wizzer cones of the Seas.
can you provide a link to one of the Japanese FR on ebay?  I'm just curious.
FEASTREX FR bid on ebay, best sounding speaker inm the world, bar  none. Open bid $7K. well worth it. 
Ck out the YT vid on the sound of that FR. super unreal, just how i like it, super crystal clear, tons of timber and glistenings on the top, mids  bright and lively. 
Japenese Full Range offered on ebay., which are less than 1/2 the price of the Exotics, and are cool looking.
Less than 1/2 price of the Exotics should be in the $400 range, not $7k. 

The Feastrex remind me of the Voxativ drivers with their huge magnet assemblies.  Also very expensive.

Yes, well i can get the Exotic 8 froma  swedish dealer for $500. madisound wants $800. ,,,anyway,,i figured out my speaker for System Two. 
Guy on ebay sells a  clone of the scan speak neo Illuminato tweet, Best tweet in the world, Neo magnet  makes speakers sing like no othermagnet, ck out the YT video on neo magnets' strength to draw power away from amp to the driver, 
Truly a  revelation. If it does not havea  neo mag, i am not interested,,,well although my SEAS Thor has been champs for these past 18 yrs, Richard Grew down here in New Orleans soldiered the xover wires back in 2002,,,,time to move on. 
No I've not herad the scan Illuminator's vs the Excel Millenium's, which have been champs in all tweets past 15+ yrs,,seems this Scan Neo tweet, Illuminator will most certainly give SEAS a  run for its FQ's...My hunch is Scan speak will  shoot out the SEAS at 1st pop. 
Now for the lower FQ's, Going witha  japenese FR, 6.5, same seller that offers the SCan speak clone.
Has a whizzer,,,I don't like the FR w/o the whizzzer,, and the FR 6.5 is the limit,,the 5 is the IDEAL size/, but the 6,5 has the neo magnet. 
I need a  xover for this pairing. anyone know who makes xover designs? Other than madisound, as i am not purchasing the drivers from them. Only the xover parts. 
The Scan tweet is the Beryllium BE which i am refering to. 
has the neo. 

I will need a  xover design service for this pairing. Something very simple,,,madisounds' xover for the Illuminator kit looks to me wayyyyyy over done. 
For a  2 way, thats alottttt of parts. More parts = more interference with the driver's intentional voicing.