Full Range comparison

Thinking about addinfg a 2nd system next year, Trying to figure out best full range fora  845 amp i plan to purchase.
Thoughts on ,
1)SEAS Exotic/w xover.
2)Seas cheaper line of FR
3)Japenese Full Range offered on ebay., which are less than 1/2 the price of the Exotics, and are cool looking. 
I listen to classical /voice/chamber/orchestra. 
FR will be 8 inches, no ribbon, no tweeter. 

Japenese Full Range offered on ebay., which are less than 1/2 the price of the Exotics, and are cool looking.
Less than 1/2 price of the Exotics should be in the $400 range, not $7k. 

The Feastrex remind me of the Voxativ drivers with their huge magnet assemblies.  Also very expensive.

Yes, well i can get the Exotic 8 froma  swedish dealer for $500. madisound wants $800. ,,,anyway,,i figured out my speaker for System Two. 
Guy on ebay sells a  clone of the scan speak neo Illuminato tweet, Best tweet in the world, Neo magnet  makes speakers sing like no othermagnet, ck out the YT video on neo magnets' strength to draw power away from amp to the driver, 
Truly a  revelation. If it does not havea  neo mag, i am not interested,,,well although my SEAS Thor has been champs for these past 18 yrs, Richard Grew down here in New Orleans soldiered the xover wires back in 2002,,,,time to move on. 
No I've not herad the scan Illuminator's vs the Excel Millenium's, which have been champs in all tweets past 15+ yrs,,seems this Scan Neo tweet, Illuminator will most certainly give SEAS a  run for its FQ's...My hunch is Scan speak will  shoot out the SEAS at 1st pop. 
Now for the lower FQ's, Going witha  japenese FR, 6.5, same seller that offers the SCan speak clone.
Has a whizzer,,,I don't like the FR w/o the whizzzer,, and the FR 6.5 is the limit,,the 5 is the IDEAL size/, but the 6,5 has the neo magnet. 
I need a  xover for this pairing. anyone know who makes xover designs? Other than madisound, as i am not purchasing the drivers from them. Only the xover parts. 
The Scan tweet is the Beryllium BE which i am refering to. 
has the neo. 

I will need a  xover design service for this pairing. Something very simple,,,madisounds' xover for the Illuminator kit looks to me wayyyyyy over done. 
For a  2 way, thats alottttt of parts. More parts = more interference with the driver's intentional voicing. 

Check out Schmidtlambrixaudio.com   Awesome use of Alpair 12p with absolutely transparent sound with gorgeous cabinet finishes. I demoed these and hated to leave them!
Yes the ebay seller is Davidlouis, ,
He has some very nice drivers, I was going to go with this as a  2nd system from his site
6.5 FR NEO magnet at $279.88/pair
Beryllium BE Neo Flagship tweet @ $215.88/pr.


But after researching all night, since last post,,,YT vids by the dozens, going betwix SEAS site, Madisounds site, YT and thinkin,,thinkin,,,figureing out,,,hummm, heard some Scan Spaeks, of course not their Illuminato tweet,,just their Illuminato Mid bas,,,got to thinkin...honestly, I've always been a  SEAS fan-atic and most likely will be to the end.
Don't get me wrong, Scan are world class drivers, 
But then,,,so is SEAS.
So back to SEAS it is,,,now here's one no one brought up,,,,
The old car speaker we all remember from the 70's...well i see SEAS offesr a  home model
~~C18EN002/A. its a 2nd gen speaker, There is no midbas, its classed by SEAS a  low midrange/indepentent tweet,,,
here's the clinger...has my Neo magnet.
Besides its really cool looking...
~~~ so tahts seals the deal. Going with the SEAS Coaxil C18EN002/a.
Now i havea  Cayin pre on Santa's wish list,,well actually , it'll come early 2020...has 2 pre outs,,so i can have the Jadis defy to the C18EN Coaxil and the other pre out to the dayton sub amp/Cerwin Vega 10 inch picked up off ebay cheap/single/sub cabinet all 3 like under $200!!!!!, so finally i will have some low fq's comming in, with my classical orch muisc, finally!!!!.
OK, so the Coaxil's carry the 200-20K fq's, the Cerwin Vega the 20hz-300 hz.
Sound like a  winning game plan?, I think  the coaxil eliminates all the issues/hangups one encounters with the so called *full range*. 
The lower fq's tend to break up the cone resonances and drowns out the low mids,,muffling, jumbling, mixing, mashing, pulverizing all the fq's up in one big south louisiana gumbo. 
So now we have 
~~~Speaker system Two~~~ figured out,,,opening the door for a  845 amp i am looking at,,,late 2020...back to 
~~~Speaker One Sytem~~~
The 18 yr old thors,,can't forget those gems...
OK, Madisound rebuilds the xovers,,,I will send thema  pair of Mundorf Gold Silver 10 uf caps i snaged off Ebay,,, they are  GIGANTIC,,and super heavy, really surprised me,,the other caps in the xover will employ Silver Oil, abd mundorksm R Resist resitors. , Low bass driver in this MTM design gets Mundorfs cheaper line the Supreme,,,low bass needs no pizzaz of silver in the caps. 
Plus, lets get rid of the low bass W18 and add  the newest of the Excel, The Graphene 8 inch, the W19,,,hummm, not sure as they go for $500 a pop


maybe hang with the old W18,,as the Cerwin carries the lower FQ,s why add the W19?, 

Well I think we havea  good game plan here.
Upgrade Speakers Sytem One,,,add a  Coaxil SEAS Speaker System Two.
Open for ideas/suggestions~~~~

OK, SEAS offers a  speaker kit, for the coaxil/paired witha  12 inch aluminum sub...which i do not need, however on the page you can see the xover needed to make the coaxil work.
has 3 caps, C1 3.9 C2 12.8 C3 6.8
 cking Madisounds prices on Mundorf Silver Oil
10uf $139 ea + 2 uf @ $49/ea
+ 3.3 uf @ $39/ea + 8.2uf @ $119?ea,, ,,so where are we at on the budget,,,hummm, 140+50+40+120 =,,,,^^lets see,,,thats 200,,,90...60...call it $400 ea as we will need coils/resistors etc etc ,,,ETC!!!!!, 


~~~so $500/ea coaxil + $400/ea xover = $900,,,i like to round out my numbers in thsi hobby,,,= $1K/ea,,not including cabinets,,which is quite easy, /cheap, get any old cab at the thrift store, pop in the coaxil..waaaalaaaaa.
X's 2 = $2K. ...hummmmm, maybe we should all rethink this design/idea.
My budget was no more than $1K. ....has to be Seas, i am not going for those super nice looking japenese *full* range. 
I need a SEAS design that superior's  the Thors, MTM. 

Ok, lets go back to the basics. 
Lets say i can up the budget for you guys, give you another $500, thats $1500 for your budget. 
So lets stay witha  simply 2 way. 
I have been eyeing those new Graphene for some time now, the day they came out in fact,,

Now lets add a  tweeter, 
I am going to stay with the Millenium,,,no we already have that tweet in the Thors,,,hummm, OK, lets utilize SEAS latest creation. 
the Beryllium/Neo magnet tweet. 


OK someone add up what we have so far
W19Graphene + T29 beryllium/Neo magnet. ,,,my guess is we are at near $1K,,and we ain't even got to the xover....,,,hummmm, tell you what, lets put this 
~~~Dream~~~ 2nd Speaker System~~~ on the Santa's wish list for late 2020. 
What I need you guys to do is watch for any used W19Grap/T35Beryllium units to pop up on ebay, used/cheap, make the offer, buy it, i'll give you a  finders fee. 
I'll talk with Madisound's designers and find out what we will need in  the xover.
SEAS has  a  gold mine of opportunity, but they  just sit there and test drivers all day..,,,they should stop testing and start connecting the drivers in a kit. .I mean, a  W19 graphene married to a  Beryllium T35, no speaker could touch the sound. Heck, that combo could draw so fast at the shootout, like GunSmoke, knock 10 speakers off even before they get a  few FQ's out the box.
Surely  gonna put my Thors  out. 
been researching all day since 6 am,,,finally, 12+ hours later,,,we got the design. 
Thoughts/opinions welcome~~~~