Upgrade amp. or speakers first?

I have a Krell KAV 300i, and a pair of B&W N804's, all about 12 years old. Want to upgrade and want to know which should be first to go. The speakers or the amp? I listen to mostly jazz, some small scale classical, and R&B. I am leaning towards the 803D's or 804D's. Will budget up to 8k for amplifier(s). I have listened to some McIntosh, the new ARC integrated and Rotel amps. I recently got an Ayre QB-9 for digital source ( ITunes-Macbook ). Will upgrade, but not all at once. Thanks for any suggestions.
When I was in need of a new amp I had a 18 yr old Denon PMA 700. I got the Bryston B100. Great improvement with my 17 yr old Mission/Cyrus 782's. Couple of years later since no replacement parts seemed to be available I decided to shop speakers. That's when I found the Dynaudio line up. I had to have the C1's. As good is Bryston is the B100 wasn't what the C1's needed. So I just bought another new amp. Thought about moving up in the Bryston world but wanted to hear something else for comparison sake. I got the Octave V70SE and all I can say is the Dyn's woke up at all listening levels.

Anyhow that's my story and had I bought the Dyn's first I would have looked for a more ideal amp.
Thanks everyone. I assumed that the weak link in my system was the amp so that's what I thought I might change first. But it seems you folks, and others that I talked to, think the speakers first. Since that is the case, perhaps I'll go for MUCH better speakers and change the amp later. Thanks for your info.
Always is not a good answer. Amplifiers and preamplifiers are the heart of the music. It seems to me that to often people purchase speakers and then must search for an amplifier that will drive that speaker, and not just drive the speakers but create a sound stage and believability, texture and nuance. Some speakers are hard to drive and require expensive amplification.
This would be a good time to consider amplifiers and preamplifiers. They just might transform your 804's.

I used to come at this problem from the opposite direction but experience has changed my mind.

Good luck
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