Tannoy VS Dynaudio

I use to laugh at threads like the one I'm creating...how can anybody know better then my own ear?

But I've been listening to a pair of Tannoy DC6 bookshelf speakers (and smaller driver DC4 floor standers) on a small Prima Luna setup at a dealers and I'm blown away every time...

There is just something about those Tannoy concentric drivers that sounds so much more open and 'right' to my ears that when I get home and listen to my DynAudio 52SE's they seem slow...riddled with phase issues and don't image as nicely. The Dynaudio's are more then the Tannoy's (which are made in China). With the Dyn's I would spend hours figuring out placement and even a mm of toe in could change things...the Tannoy's on the other hand require very little screwing around with placement...they're just great at producing a clear image.

Any comments or opinions? I use a SimAudio i-5 integrated currently with a fairly good front end digital source. I will likely arrange for an in-home audition but was hoping for comments before hand.

I realize that, and have taken that into consideration, however the Prima Luna integrated is almost 1/3rd the price of my SimAudio.
Tannoy and Dynaudio are two completely different animals. Their respective "house sound" is just going to be different and it is not surprising that you prefer one over the other. Cost really doesn't have a lot to do with which you prefer.

You may have already covered this territory, but the only recommendation I'd have before you make a final decision is to make sure you've listened to an extremely wide range of music on both. You've probably already done that with the Dynaudio since you own them, but resist the temptation to make a decision based only on demo records or a narrow genre of music.

The point of owning a stereo is to enjoy music. If you can have more enjoyment for less money, go for it! Use the savings to buy some more music.
I don't want to confuse matters any more but I've never been a fan of Simaudio. I've had an I3 an I5 and a W3 in my system/s over the years and always found the sound annoying. Almost like the amp tried to stand out over any other component, tirelessly trying to make every sound come through. I always wanted to like them because of build, style, power, etc.

These amps actually helped me understand that there are many sets of ears out there with all kinds of preferences. Never heard Tannoy but I think I would like it, Dynaudio never really did it for me either.
I have never heard a Sim gear but I have heard the Tannoy, Dynaudio and Primaluna. One thing is Dyns always come to their own when playing loud in a relatively larger room.
It is then that you kind of appreciate what they do best. But in a smaller room they are just okay. Tannoy on the other hand is very nice and should I say presents a tonally and timbrally more intimate realistic sound even in a smaller space and even at lower SPLs. Regardless of price I would assume that a good tube amp like Primaluna will always be very high in bringing out emotional content from the music, which your Sim may/would not do as well. Dyns driven by tubes is a hit or a miss, so you need to audition before you buy a tube amp for dyns.

I know Dyns can sound relatively cold and thick if not paired appropriately with electronics and I somehow have a feeling that is causing the issue in your case as well.
Another thing, Dyns require beefy but neutral-warm sounding amplification, something like a Pass, Plinius or Odyssey.