Tannoy VS Dynaudio

I use to laugh at threads like the one I'm creating...how can anybody know better then my own ear?

But I've been listening to a pair of Tannoy DC6 bookshelf speakers (and smaller driver DC4 floor standers) on a small Prima Luna setup at a dealers and I'm blown away every time...

There is just something about those Tannoy concentric drivers that sounds so much more open and 'right' to my ears that when I get home and listen to my DynAudio 52SE's they seem slow...riddled with phase issues and don't image as nicely. The Dynaudio's are more then the Tannoy's (which are made in China). With the Dyn's I would spend hours figuring out placement and even a mm of toe in could change things...the Tannoy's on the other hand require very little screwing around with placement...they're just great at producing a clear image.

Any comments or opinions? I use a SimAudio i-5 integrated currently with a fairly good front end digital source. I will likely arrange for an in-home audition but was hoping for comments before hand.
Need to try the Tannoys in your room with and without the Prima Luna.

I personally love the Tannoy sound in smaller rooms or nearfield listening, but sitting 6ft away in a small room may not be what you can do in your living room. The set up issues with the Dynaudios is as least partly your room.

Which Tannoys can you recommend for nearfield listening in smaller rooms and why?

Haven't done serious listening to the Tannoys in a while but I really liked the Tannoy Dual Concentric monitors Revolution and Definition series when last looking. I also owned not concentric Tannoy monitors for years and loved them when I was in an apartment.

As mentioned they just sound 'right' when in the right sized room and with good amplification. I think part of it is that they are well balanced. You don't listen to them and think wow what detail, or wow great pacing. Split things down the middle which isn't sexy to do but works. Tonally they are warm but for near field that is a good thing.

In too large a room or sitting too far away they just sound fake like a boom box, its making music and maybe it even sounds good but does not pull you in. There are other monitors I've heard that sound much better in larger rooms.
I sold my Dynaudio Contour 5.4's, and built a custom pair of Tannoy HPD 315's (12" Dual Concentric). I intended to see how the 12" DC would sound if maxxed out with the best possible enclosure and crossovers. The project was successful, they smoke the Dynaudio's, and most every other loudspeaker I've yet heard. I have never heard the best of the Dynaudio line, the Temptation Masters, but my $4500 investment in the Tannoys would hold up quite well in a shootout with the Dyn $80-100K speakers, I think. It would be interesting to try, if it could be arranged.


From your pics, that does not surprise me. I would seek speakers with more of a point or small line source type configuration as well with your listening room configuration.