Experience with Inakustik 3500P Power Conditioner??

I'm looking at obtaining a power conditioner and had my sights set on an Akiko Corelli when an Inakustik 3500P got my attention.  I have found only one reference to the 3500P on Agon while there is some notable props on the Corelli here.  

Thanks for any experience you might be willing to share.
What conditioner do you currently own? Get both and return the one that did not work for you.
Just noticed this in fine print on inside back cover of user manual.

"This product is NOT intended for the United Sates of America or territories
that belong to the USA, and may not be used in these countries."

Huh? WTF does that mean? Kind of weird don’t yah think? I'm more than curious.
Mine has US outlets and was purchased from the Canadian importer and is currently in use.
If anyone has clarification please let me know.
@rja ,
I had a similar concern when I got this power conditioner and began using it. I had reached out to the dealer and he mentioned that the manual inside is a European manual and that statement does not apply to the US model.
Yeah, I wish they had printed a manual specifically for the US model.

Yes, milpai is correct (one manual for all versions/countries). I Have the Schuko version and have the same manual (which in my case, makes sense).